Monday, January 16, 2006


I try to watch a small amount of television. I used to watch alot and now I try to minimze the amount I watch. That being said, I find that hard to accomplish this time of year because there are so many good, compelling, things on television right now. Here's a sampling.

NFL Playoffs.

We've had a couple games so far and they are quite good. The Steelers/Colts game was fantastic. Plus the Colts lost. Sweet. Seriously, this is the best time of the year for football.


Jack's back. Two hours into the new season and it's just as good as last season.

Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis

Even since SciFi has taken these shows over, they air them in half-seasons. This January saw the premiere of the second half of season nine. And it's good ... it's really good. I'm still more into SG-1 than Atlantis, but both shows are really good. The new storylines with SG-1 focusing on the Ori are very compelling.


Hands down, best television show to appear on network for many, many, years. It's like one huge, multi-season, episode of The Twillight Zone, but with really good, compelling, character development.

seaQuest DSV

This one is cheating, as it's not on television anymore. But, thanks to alot of fan persering to Universal, seaQuest DSV, season one, is now available on DVD. I really miss this show. And this is the first season, when seaQuest has stories that were very grounded in science - it was believable science fiction that you could really see happening in twenty or thirty years. No aliens, time travel, or anything else that we'll see starting in season two. This was (and still is!) damn good television.


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