Monday, October 23, 2006


I've been thinking recently about a trend in my life. I've gone through alot of stages as to who was important to me and my life. First it was my parents and my family (for many, many, years). Then it was the fellow kids at school (elementary, middle, high, and then college). Then it was Cin. Now it's my current group. Now don't get me wrong. My family is still very important to me. Cin is easily the most important person in my life and she always will be. I love her very much and she loves me very much. That's why we're getting married. My "current group" is alot of people that I've know for quite some time that I spend alot of time with. I've worked with these people. I've gone drinking with these people. I've helped some of these people through tough times and they have done the same for me. I think of these people as my family (just as much as my "real" family).

For example, we get together on Wednesdays for LOST nights. It's alot of fun for two reasons. First, it's LOST. :) Second, I love each and every person there. They mean alot to me and I, hopefully, have some impact on them too. I look forward to LOST nights, going to our bar on Friday nights, our parties, movie nights with just a couple people, just hanging out watching the first Battlestar Galactica of the season on a Friday night, and many other days and nights more than anything else in my life right now (well, except for when me and Cin are just snugglin' early in the morning, completely unwilling to get our of bed since we're some comfortable just being there with each other ... NOTHING beats that feeling).

So here's to my friends. You are some of the most important people in my life. Thanks for letting me be a part of yours. And if you don't know if you're in this group, you probably are.