Thursday, September 01, 2005


One gallon of regular unleaded.

Wednesday Morning -> $2.69
Wednesday Evening -> $2.79
Thursday Morning -> $3.09
Thursday Evening -> $3.19

Now I understand how the global oil market works and I know there is nothing I can do about this but grin and bear it. But still.

I absolutely think we're headed for a serious energy crisis in this country. Why are we still living as if oil was our future? Winston Churchill once said the politicians are concerned with the next election and statesmen are concerned with the next generation. It's obvious that oil is not sustainable for our generation, much less the next one. We really need to start thinking about what we're going to need to be doing in twenty years and start planning and developing for it now. Instead we just keep increasing our oil usage... Sigh.


Blogger Atalante said...

We're still getting off relatively lightly compared to other parts of the country. Even if it us up to 3.50 in the city. :\ Just think though. Overseas they pay by the liter..

1:45 PM  

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