Sunday, June 26, 2005


Tonight we saw Bewitched. We had high hopes for this movie, especially since the show is Cindy's favorite show of all time. Boy werw we disappointed. Rather than actually make a movie based on the TV show, they made a movie about the making of a remake of the TV show but the woman they get to play Samantha is really a witch. The problem is that the movie didn't really have much of a plot - it was just a jumble of many things that happened with no real theme or sense of what it wanted to say or the story it wanted to tell. Many times throughout, I found myself wondering where it could possibly be going. There was a subplot about another actress being a witch that just trailed off and was never resolved. Uncle Arthur appeared - he was a character on the old TV show and appeared as a real warlock in this movie (I think?). Will Farrell's character was openly wondering about what he was and what was going on - the answers were never clear and that whole sequence didn't make a lick of sense. Bottom line - this movie sucked. The only good part about it was the casting. Nichole Kidman was a perfect Samantha; Will Farrell was a perfect Darrin. Had they actually done a Bewitched movie and not this crap, they would have been wonderful. My score - 2/10. Best line in the movie - "You, you be quiet or I'll give you a tail!"


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